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The Hot news is that diversity, equity and inclusion is on everyone’s minds.


Let the DiversityTodayConsulting team of consultants help you assess, define and implement the programs you need to support your organization’s mission and vision that are aligned to your diversity, equity and inclusion initiative.

As you think about DE&I, what is your organization’s definition of DE&I?  

Is it content or is your organization a champion for DE&I?

Are you asking yourself – your leaders this question?  

Are we driving and encouraging good diversity and inclusion?  

How do we know if we are attracting and engaging a diverse workforce?  

Are diverse people reflected at different levels in the organization?


Does your organization have diverse representation and inclusion in leadership positions to support your mission and values?  Would you like to create and implement recruitment programs to help you increase the number of underrepresented groups in your hiring, promotion and retention across all levels?

Ask the DiversityTodayConsulting team of consultants to help you develop a program or initiative that’s right for your organization.



What is the OneTen?
Is your company geared up to support the OneTen Initiative?
This new initative connects employers with talent partners, leading non-profits and other skill-credentialing organizations that support the development of diverse talent.
Partnering organizations will develop, retain and advance diverse and underrepresented talent, and make a commitment to hire or promote Black Americans without four-year degrees.
Let the DiversityTodayConsulting team of consultants help identify, attract and connect your company with diverse talent.


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